Due to the pandemic, the Dakhil 2023 exam syllabus was re-revised. The syllabus of some of the subjects was also shortened for the comfort of the students. Since the COVID outbreak, the education of students were hampered. This caused major problems regarding how the classes will continue and how will the exams be taken.
Earlier this year, it was decided that schools and colleges will resume their physical classes since the number of COVID-positive cases has declined. Again, due to the initiative of the Bangladesh Government, mass vaccination took place and most of the students received their COVID vaccines.
The Dakhil 2022 exam routine was published a few months ago. According to that routine, students are making preparations for the Dakhil 2022 examination. The Dakhil and SSC exam of 2022 will start on the 19th of June if everything goes according to plan.
Dakhil 2023 Exam Notice
However, for the 2023 Dakhil exam, there’s some new notice. On 30th May, a new notice for Dakhil 2023 examination was made public on the official website of Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board. The notice stated that the Dakhil and Alim exam of 2023 will follow the same revised syllabus of 2022.
If you are wondering what the syllabus for Dakhil 2022 exam is, then we’ll provide the syllabus in this post. We have also provided the official PDF link to this post. But in short, the notice stated the following information:
- Dakhil and Alim exam of 2023 will be following the same re-revised syllabus of 2022
- The syllabus for English and Bangla subjects will be re-revised and then uploaded to the official website (Re-revised and uploaded. Check the PDF link of the Dakhil 2023 Exam Syllabus link)
- The total marks distribution of the ICT subject for the Dakhil 2023 exam will be 50 marks. Other subjects will have 100 marks distribution and the duration of the exams will be 3 hours.
- For Alim 2023 exam, the total marks for all subjects will be 100 and the exam duration will be 3 hours
- For the Dakhil and Alim exams of 2023, exams will be held for all the subjects.
The notice about Dakhil and Alim 2023 examination is given below:

👉 You can also download the PDF version of this notice. Just click on this link to download the Dakhil and Alim 2023 exam notice PDF.
In the previous syllabus, the English and Bangla syllabus were yet to be revised and uploaded. But in the recent notice, the subjects were included. We will keep you updated so remember to follow our website.
As we mentioned previously the Dakhil 2023 exam will follow the 2022 syllabus. In August, the Dakhil revised syllabus was published on the official Madrasha Education website. Here’s the revised syllabus for the 2023 Dakhil examination.

We are also mentioning the syllabus for the Quran-e-Majid subject for Dakhil 2023 exam
Quran-e-Majid 2023 syllabus (1st page)

Quran-e-Majid 2023 syllabus (2nd page)

👉 You can also download the PDF version of the Dakhil 2023 exam syllabus. Just click on this link to download the Dakhil exam 2023 syllabus PDF.
From the above link, you can download the syllabus for all the subjects of the Dakhil exam 2023. The Dakhil 2023 exam syllabus for English and Bangla was also revised and can be found in the full syllabus.
The pandemic has caused much harm to the education sector as students were unable to do their regular physical classes. According to the child’s mental health specialists, the impact of being housebound for such a long period of time could leave a serious impact on a child’s mental health.
Though we are all happy that things got back to normal this year, still we should follow the provided guidelines. Vaccinating all the students was an important and challenging task for the authorities, but thankfully the majority of the students are fully vaccinated now.
For all the Dakhil students who are preparing for their examination which is to be started on the 19th of June, we wish you all the best.
Dhakil short selybas
2023 সিলেবাস পাচ্ছি না কেন,
দয়া করে 2023 এর সিলেবাস পাবলিস করুন
পোস্টটি আপডেট করা হয়েছে এবং Dakhil ২০২৩ পুনর্বিন্যাসকৃত পাঠ্যসূচি আপলোড করা হয়েছে। এই পোস্ট থেকে ফুল পাঠ্যসূচি ডাউনলোড করতে পারবেন। আমাদের সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।