A Birth Certificate is a very important document for every citizen. If you’re a minor and don’t have a National ID card or NID card, then the birth certificate will be really useful in many situations. When you’re applying for a National ID, you need your birth certificate. You can now apply for birth certification online.
We are going to use the official website of gov.bd to apply for the birth certificate. You are going to need some documents before you apply for the online birth certificate application. We are going to discuss the requirements and step-by-step process of online birth certificate application. So let’s start and learn how to apply for birth certificate online.
Importance of Birth Certificate: Before we learn how to apply for a birth certificate online, it’s a good idea to state the importance of a birth certificate. According to the Birth and Death Control Act 2004, after the birth of a child, when you register its name in a government database, the certification of that registration is known as the Birth Certificate.
The Birth Certificate has many important uses in a citizen’s life. Especially if you don’t have a National ID card, the birth certificate is used in many cases. Let’s take a look at some of the important uses of a Birth Certificate:
- Getting admitted to a school
- Applying for a National ID card
- Opening a bank account
- Getting a job in the public or private sector
- Getting a driving license
- Getting married lawfully
- Getting a passport
- Registering a piece of land or property
- Applying for a trade license, and much more
Suffice to say, if you’re a citizen of this country, it is essential for you to get a birth certificate. Yes, it’s true, the National ID card is enough for you to get many things done in the country, but you need a birth certificate to apply for a National ID card.
In many aspects of your life, you’re going to need your birth certificate. If you want to admit your child to a school, then a birth certificate is needed. For this reason, today we are going to learn how to apply for birth certificate online.
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Required Documents for Online Birth Certificate Application
Now that you know the definition and importance of the birth certificate, let’s move on to the required documents. First of all, there are some required documents for an online birth certificate application. There are also other requirements based on your age, we’ll discuss all of these so carefully check if you have these requirements.
General requirements for Online Application
For online applications, some documents are required. What we mean is, you have to attach the following documents if you want to apply online:
- Birth affirmation by a doctor (Bangladesh Medical Council and Dental Council registered MBBS or higher degree) or class 5/8/10 pass certification from the Education Board.
- Up-to-date tax payment certification against the permanent address declared by Father/Mother
If you don’t have these documents, then you will not be able to apply for a birth certificate online.
Now the requirements have been divided into 2 groups. These groups are as follows:
Group A: Those whose birth date is after the year 2000
Group B: Those whose birth date is before the year 2000
Originally there are no groups, but we are dividing it into 2 groups for better understanding. Both, Group A and Group B also have been divided into smaller categories. Let’s take a look at these.
Group A: Birth After The Year 2000
Group A has been divided into 2 categories. The 1st category is for those whose age is less than 10 and the 2nd category is for everyone whose age is less than or more than 10.
Category 1: Age less than 10
Those whose birth date is after the year 2000 and whose age is less than 10 fall under this category. For this category, the following documents are needed:
- Vaccine Card (টিকা কার্ড) or Medical certificate (মেডিকেল সনদ)
Category 2: Everyone whose age is less than or more than 10
This category is for those whose age is less than or more than 10 but whose birth date is after 2000, the following documents are required:
- Class 5/8/10 pass certificate or affirmation by the chairman
- Tax receipt/ Khatian as proof of address
- Birth certificate/ NID/ Death Certificate of Parents (If the Birth certificate is not available then the National ID or Death Certificate is needed)
Group B: Birth Before The Year 2000
Those whose birth is before the year 2000, that means from the year 1900 to 1999 fall under this group. This is also divided into 2 categories, 1st category is those whose age is 40 or more and 2nd category is those whose age is less than 40.
Category 1: Age less than 40
Those whose birth date is before the year 2000 and whose age is less than 40, need the following documents:
- Parents’ birth certificate. If the birth certificate is not available then NID or National Identification card will be enough.
- Account book copy (খতিয়ান কপি) or tax payment receipt or electricity bill receipt
- Holding tax and number papers
- Education certificate
Category 2: Age more than 40
Those whose birth date is before the year 2000 and age more than 40, need the following documents:
- Parent’s birth certificate or NID not needed. Only their names is required.
- Account book copy (খতিয়ান কপি) or tax payment receipt or electricity bill receipt
- Holding tax and number papers
These were all the requirements that we wanted to discuss. Keeping that in mind, let’s now learn how to apply for birth certificate online.
👉 How to Download Birth Certificate PDF Online
How to get Birth Certificate Online in Bangladesh
The first thing that you need to do is visit this link https://bdris.gov.bd/br/application. This will bring you to the official page of birth certificate registration. First, you have to select the address for your birth certificate. The options that you can choose are birthplace, permanent address, and current address.

If you want to apply for birth registration at Bangladesh Embassy, check the box below. After you’re done with this step, click on the ‘Next’ button below.
Now you will see the main application form for a birth certificate. Here you need to carefully read and fill up the form. Clear instructions are given on the form but we will still guide you in case you’re facing difficulties.

There are 15 fields visible on the form. But as you keep on filling, more fields will be revealed. Let’s go through some of these fields:
- First Name in Bangla: In this field, you have to type the first part of the name (whose birth certificate you want to apply) in Bangla. For example: If the person’s name is “আনোয়ার হোসাইন”, then you have to write “আনোয়ার” on this field. You can use Avro or Bijoy to write in Bangla
- First Name in English: In this field, you have to type the first part of the name (whose birth certificate you want to apply) in English. Let’s take the previous example, if the name is “Anwar Hossain”, you have to type “Anwar” in this field.
- Last Name in Bangla: Like the 1st field, you have to type the last part of the name in Bangla. Let’s use the same example. If the person’s name is “আনোয়ার হোসাইন” you have to write “হোসাইন” in this field
- Last Name in English: In this field, you have to write the last part of the name in English. For example, if the name is “Anwar Hossian”, you have to write “Hossain” at the end.
- Birth date: Write the date of birth of the person. After you mention your date, you might see a notification like the following screenshot:

We already discussed the requirements, in the previous section. If you’re unclear, you can check it out again. In our application, we are doing the birth certificate of a 28-year-old person. That means it falls under the 2nd group’s 1st category (Birth before the year 2000, age less than 40)
- __ child of parents: In this field, you have to input 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. number of children of the parent the person is.
- Gender: Select the gender of the person.
- National ID: Enter your NID no. in this field. Leave the field empty if you don’t have your NID.
- Country: Select the country where the child was born.
- District: Select the district
- City Corporation/ Upazila: Select the City corporation/Upazila
- Ward/Region (Bangla): Select your Ward no. in Bangla
- Ward/Region (English): Select your Ward no. in English
- Division: Select the division where the child was born.
- Post office (Bangla): Here you have to input the post office in Bangla.
- Post office (English): Here you have to input the post office in English.
- Village / Neighborhood / Area: Write the name of either village, neighborhood, or area in Bangla.
- Village / Neighborhood / Area: Write the name of either village, neighborhood, or area in Bangla.
- House no. and Road no. (Bangla): Here you have to write the house no. and the road no. in Bangla.
- House no. and Road no. (Egnlish): Here you have to write the house no. and the road no. in English.
After that, simply click on the ‘Next’ (the button labeled ‘পরবর্তী’) button to proceed to the next step. The next form that you must fill up is the parent’s details.

Just type in the name, NID, and Nationality and click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the next step.
Next, you need to confirm your permanent address. If your current address is your permanent address, click on the checkbox “কোনোটিই নয়” this will bring up another form. Now if your birthplace is your permanent address, click on the checkbox “জন্মস্থানের ঠিকানা ও স্থায়ী ঠিকানা একই ”, and the form will be automatically filled up with the information you provided previously. If your birthplace isn’t your permanent address, then fill up the form with your permanent address.
The same goes for the option below, which is for the current address. If your permanent address is the same as your current address, then click on the checkbox “কোনোটিই নয়”, then click on the checkbox “স্থায়ী ঠিকানা ও বর্তমান ঠিকানা একই”, then the form will be filled up automatically. If your permanent address isn’t your current address, then don’t click on the checkbox and fill up the form with your current address
After you’re done with this step proceed to the next step by clicking on the ‘Next’ button.

In the next step, you need to clarify if you’re submitting the application for your birth certificate or someone else’s. If you’re submitting your birth certificate, then click on ‘নিজ’ and provide your name and phone number. If you’re submitting for someone else, then select ‘অন্যান্য’. Then you will have to provide the birth certificate number, NID, the person who is submitting the application, and the phone number.

After you’re done with this step, click on the ‘Next’ button to continue
Now you will see the final result of your birth certificate application. Check if all the information is correct, if you find something incorrect, or want to change any information, you have the option to go back and change it.
You also have to upload the required document that we previously saw. Click on the ‘attachment’ button and upload the documents. All the images must be below 100KB. After that scroll down and click on the ‘Submit’ button. If everything is ok, you’ll see the “Success” message. That means the birth certificate application has been submitted.
You’ll also see an application number, save it. You will also be given the option to download the document. We advise downloading the document as soon as you can. If you’ve missed the chance, then don’t worry, you can print it from this website. Follow the next step.
How to Print Your Birth Certificate Application?
To print your birth certificate, from the menu select “জন্ম নিবন্ধন” and click on “জন্ম নিবন্ধন আবেদনপত্র প্রিন্ট ”

Next you’ll see another form. Select your application type. Generally, the application that we applied for is the birth certificate application. So keep the “জন্ম নিবন্ধন জন্য আবেদন” selected. Then type in the application ID that you just got after submitting your application. Then finally enter your birth date and click on ‘Print’.

That is how you can print out your birth certificate from the website. So now you know how to obtain birth certificate online, but we still have to submit it.
Submitting the Birth Certificate Application
After you submit the online birth certificate application, download it. Then you need to submit this physical copy along with some other documents to your Union Parishad Office (ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ কার্যালয়) or your Counselor’s Office (কাউন্সিলর কার্যালয়).
You have to submit all these documents within 15 days of submitting the online application.
The following documents are required at this stage:
- Copy of your birth certificate application
- 2 copies of passport-sized photographs
- If the age is less than 21, the parent’s birth certificate copies
- If the age is greater than 21, then the parent’s NID or birth certificates
- If child, then vaccine card or school certificates along with 2 copies of passport sized photographs and parent’s birth certificates
- If age is greater than 21, school certificate or marksheet along with 2 copies of passport sized photographs and parent’s birth certificates
Have all these above documents ready and go to your Union Parishad Office (ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ কার্যালয়) or your Counselor’s Office (কাউন্সিলর কার্যালয়) and submit it within 15 days after application.
So that is how to apply for a birth certificate online. Although the entire process cannot be completed online, the application submission process is completely online. The might see a different form when you’re applying because the form has many variations depending on your age. Just carefully read the form and fill it up with authentic information.
Remember, after you submit the online birth certificate application, you have to print it, then be present in your Union Parishad Office or Counselor’s Office within 15 days. Otherwise, your application might be canceled and you have to resubmit the application again.
The online application procedure changes from time to time. So far we brought you the latest information we could get our hands on. If you are facing any difficulties, feel free to ask us in the comments below.