As regular classes are resuming, students prepare themselves once again for the journey. Considering the COVID situation in Bangladesh, the authorities have decided to resume the classes at a slow and steady pace.
Schools and colleges have partially reopened from the 22nd of February. Classes will resume fully from next month (2nd March) and the students seem really excited. Also, the authorities have informed us that the syllabus for Bangla 2nd paper, English 1st, and 2nd paper has been re-revised. This was done considering the state of COVID in Bangladesh.
However, the classes will resume following the new rules and regulations directed by the Ministry of Education. In all the excitement, we shouldn’t forget to maintain the safety protocols.
The objective of this article is to inform the students of the new English 1st paper syllabus. As the time of SSC and HSC exams is nearing, it is crucial for the students to prepare themselves. So without delay, let’s get started.
The reason for the re-revision of Bangla and English subjects
As many of you know, schools and colleges of Bangladesh have remained closed for over 15 months now. This is the longest period of closure in the world. Classes were partially resumed a few months back until another closure was declared. This decision was taken considering the safety of the students, parents, teachers, and others. But as the number of positive COVID cases is on the decline, the authorities have decided to reopen schools and colleges once more.
Under the direction of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the Education Ministry decided to partially reopen the educational institutions on 22nd February. Classes will resume fully from 2nd March. But due to the pandemic, the authorities have decided to revise the Bangla 2nd paper, English 1st, and 2nd paper syllabus.
The syllabus was shortened and so was the number distribution. The total number has also been decreased to 50.
The education board decided that this new development will keep the COVID spread to a minimum. Although the students are required to have 2 doses of vaccine and a mask to participate in class. This step is there just to be extra careful.
The new syllabus of English 1st paper
For English 1st paper, Only Unit 3,4,5,7 and 11 were selected from the EFT (English For Today) book. The following is the entire syllabus for the SSC examination of 2022

Since the syllabus has been reduced, the number distribution was also reduced. The entire exam will be taken on 50 marks. The following is the total number distribution:
- Reading – 30 Marks
- Writing – 20 Marks

If you want to read the original document, visit this link.
The new syllabus has been revised for the benefit of students. As the classes remain closed for such a long period of time, it gives students a smaller window to study and prepare for the exam. The COVID situation was also considered when creating this new syllabus.
The administration has also made it strictly clear that only students who have received 2 doses of vaccine will be allowed to participate in the classes. The students, teachers, and everyone on the premises must abide by the safety protocols at all times.
We hope that students will find this post helpful and can better prepare themselves for the upcoming exams. We wish you all the best.